
- Represent the energy of the school
- Depict either the student classroom experience or student work
- Highlight online learning
- Interstitial: clear information and url
- Social post: worthy of stopping newsfeed scrolling
Screenshot of digital showing a sewing classroom

Screenshot of pop-up ad

The pop-up ad features a photograph from a real class taught by one SFD's then-current instructors. I decided on the headline "study fashion online or in Boston" because offering online classes was a brand new format for SFD. Plus, we were in the middle of the stay-at-home orders of 2020 and  the ad would run from July 2020 to May 2021.
The social media image was posted in November 2020. I wrote the copy for the post, designed the layout, and selected and edited the photo.

"Abbey Road" ad for School of Fashion Design, feature student-made outerwear in Marimekko.

Mobile size ad for School of Fashion Design featuring student work

When viewed on a mobile device, the post would appear with this image.

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